THANK YOU! This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. Advertisements that appear completely defray publishing costs. Please patronize ZEMLICK.COM, Parishioners, our Sponsor of the Week, as a thank you for their kind generosity.
Weekly Offering - 1/12/2025
Weekly Budget
$ 18,850.00
Parish Offering
Online Giving
Year to Date Variance
(Budget fiscal year is July 1, 2024 to June 30 , 2025)
If you are interested in setting up an account for online giving, CLICK HERE
When you are unable to attend Mass, your offering is gratefully accepted through the mail. You can also make a donation directly to St. Monica. Per your instructions, your bank can withdraw funds from your account and mail a counter check directly to the Parish office on S. Westnedge.
For information on the Bishop's Annual Appeal - Click Here!