We are Catholic men who lead, serve protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and community first. We are men who lead, serve, protect and defend, whether we are giving out Coats for Kids, lending a hand in disaster relief efforts, supporting local pregnancy centers by donating ultrasound machines or providing top-quality financial products. Find out more about what we do.
wishes to thank all those who attended our Nov 10 Sunday Breakfast. A total of $494.00 was raised at that breakfast to support the Catholic Charities Diocese of Kalamazoo (CCDOK) Bread of Life Food Program. Thank you so much for your VERY generous donations.
Please join us for our firstSUNDAY BREAKFAST OF 2025 ON JANUARY 12 in the Community Building following the 8 & 9:30am Masses, when the net proceeds will go to support Students for Life WMU. Members of this student organization will be going to the National March for Life in Washington, DC on Jan 24 - the largest annual human rights demonstration in the world! Students for Life WMU believe that every human life matters no matter the age, race, or creed, and it is dedicated to promoting a culture of life on campus through dynamic outreach events and activities for students, faculty and the community. If you cannot make it to this Jan 12 Breakfast, but would like to donate to this worthy cause, you can mail a monetary donation (information found in the bulletin). Thank you!