SHAMROCK SHUFFLE MARK YOUR CALENDAR! St. Monica will be hosting our annual outdoor run/walk-a-thon, Shamrock Shuffle, on April 26 (rain date of May 3)! Every St. Monica student will take to the outdoor track right here at school to run/walk laps during their scheduled time slot and earn pledges by lap or a flat donation. Shamrock Shuffle Sponsorships Needed! SPONSORSHIP DETAILS: $100 Event Sponsor
Business/Family Logo on the back of T-shirts worn by all students and staff the day of the event.
$200 Event Sponsor
Business/family Logo on the back of T-shirts worn by all students and staff the day of the event.
Business/family Logo on a standard 18x24 inch yard sign to be placed around the outdoor track.
LARGER Business/family Logo on the back of T-shirts worn by all students and staff the day of the event.
Business/Family Logo on a standard 18x24 inch yard sign to be placed around the outdoor track.
Business/family Logo will be advertised on the school website and Facebook pages for this event.
Sponsorship of ANY amount will be welcome and appreciated! So grateful for the contributions of our community, we couldn't hold this event without you! All sponsorships are tax deductible. Deadline is March 1, to have your logo included on the back of our T-shirts. Please contact Beth Gillen 269.317.2057 [email protected] to be added.