The St. Monica Fr. Adolph Nadrach Knights of Columbus Council #12998 will award one $3,000
scholarship to a graduating high school senior student who will be attending college, university,
community college, or a trade school for the 2025/2026 school year. The student must be a practicing
member of St. Monica Parish. Click here for details and a link to the application!
Mark your calendars for the Parish Dance! We are also still in need of anyone to sign up to bring cutlery free sides or desserts! If you're interested in providing any food, please call the Parish office and let us know, or email [email protected]!
We are very lucky at Saint Monica to have fantastic priests, who dedicate so much to this Parish! If you are willing to help provide them with a home-cooked meal to take a little off their plate (pun intended), please click here!
Have you been wondering about what the Catholic Church actually teaches? Have you been struggling to find purpose in life? Have you heard of the love that God has for you personally? Click here!
Wednesday9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Church Adoration (during school year only)
Perpetual Adoration
Did you know that Saint Monica offers 24 hour access to our Adoration Chapel? We'd love to see you there! Come and spend time with Our Lord whenever your schedule allows!
You are invited to join us for Experience Catholicism, our course for anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith. If you or someone you know would like to find out more about Catholicism and have questions, contact Tommy Shultz at (616) 438-1944 or email [email protected]. God bless! Sessions meet on Sundays at 12 Noon in the Rectory Meeting Rm.
The Lap Robe Workers at St. Monica's are seeking new members to join our group. We meet most Wednesdays, 10am to 2pm in the Community Bldg. Come join us for an hour or two, or plan to sew at home when it's convenient for you. If you can sew, crochet, knit, lay out quilt patterns, cut & sort fabric or iron, your time and talent would be most welcome. Come help us create our quilts. We have a great time sewing, chatting and enjoying each other's company.